Understanding as const type assertion in TypeScript

TypeScript's as const is a powerful yet often underutilized feature. It provides a way to declare that a value is constant and should be treated as such by the TypeScript compiler.

What is as const?

The as const syntax in TypeScript is a type assertion. It tells the compiler to consider an array's elements or an object's properties as constant values. This means they cannot be altered. It's particularly useful for ensuring immutability and for working with fixed values in an application.

Benefits of using as const

  1. Immutability: Ensures that arrays and objects cannot be modified after their creation.
  2. Narrowed Types: Automatically infers the most specific type. For example, const example = "test" as const will be inferred as type "test" instead of string.
  3. Literal Inference: Helps maintain literal types without widening. Useful for configurations, Redux action types, etc.
  4. Better Autocompletion: Enhances IDE support for autocompletion and type checking.
  5. Error Prevention: Prevents accidental changes to objects or arrays that are meant to be constant, enhancing code reliability.

When to use as const

  • Defining configuration objects.
  • Declaring read-only arrays.
  • Working with Redux action types.
  • Any scenario where the value should remain constant, and the type should be inferred as specifically as possible.


  1. Array:
    const colors = ["red", "green", "blue"] as const;
    // colors: readonly ["red", "green", "blue"]
  2. Object:
    const config = { debug: true, version: "1.0.0" } as const;
    // config: { readonly debug: true; readonly version: "1.0.0"; }

TypeScript’s as const is a valuable tool in TypeScript that is not used as much as it could be. It provides a straightforward way to maintain immutability and to leverage TypeScript’s type inference capabilities for more robust and maintainable code.

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